Since 1985, Passion for made in Italy
GAMAFOOD was founded in 1985 as an agency promoting Italian wine & food heritage mainly in foreign markets.
We believe that every territory, every region of Italy, has its history, its secrets, which can be revealed meeting the taste, the perfumes, the hands of those who produce the history and the essence of what we are.
The valorization of the Italian agricultural and food heritage constitutes, like the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage, a great potential for the economic development of the entire country.
We research and personally know every single producer...
We tell you his story, his territory, we talk about wine, we take picture and travel around this wonderful Italy.
Today we can say that we have "sent" the Made in Italy Excellence in most of the world USA, Japan, China, Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia and in many European countries.
Only Italian food companies that produce typical products, linked to the Made in Italy tradition.

35 years experience shared with our partners

the PASSION and professionalism in preserving the peculiarity of the Italian product to spread ito foreign markets more and more curious and attracted by the made in Italy.

The relationships are based on respect and mutual trust, build up over the years.

Handling many products shipments to various destinations has made us experts in logistics and transport, also providing consolidation services.
Several Italian manufacturers have relied on our competence and trust to distribute their excellent brands in the foreign markets through accurate single market research and strategies for each product.